Network Penetration Testing

Depth Security Network Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Testing

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Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Testing



Blue interconnected lines and circle on a dark blue background illustrating network concept

The discovery of new vulnerabilities and ways to exploit them is an everyday occurrence

Our network penetration testing services provide the most effective way to understand the real-world risks facing your infrastructure, applications, and users. By employing the same tools and techniques as attackers, we uncover actual vulnerabilities rather than hypothetical scenarios. Our approach goes beyond speculating on potential impacts; we deliver detailed insights into exploitation techniques and offer a full breakdown of how and why these vulnerabilities exist.

Our reports are meticulously crafted to include practical, prioritized recommendations for remediation, presented in formats that are easily digestible for executives, managers, and technical staff alike. Our thorough actionable insights empower your team to address vulnerabilities effectively and efficiently, uncovering flaws that other firms might miss and demonstrating how far we can go in exploiting these weaknesses. Every company needs a penetration test, and with Depth Security, you can trust that everything we do is vetted manually, ensuring you receive clear, concise, and valuable information without wasting time or resources.

Blue interconnected lines and circle on a dark blue background illustrating network concept

Our Services

External Discovery

It is no easy task to protect yourself without a thorough understanding of your attack surface. Now more than ever, security leaders and staff find themselves in this challenging position. Our Perimeter Discovery service provides a complete view of your external systems and data, going beyond basic DNS and IP enumeration.

External Network

Performing as an internet-based attacker, we target your organization’s internet-exposed assets and conduct real-world simulations to identify potential entry points and other vulnerabilities. The main goal of these scenarios is to expose weakness, fortify defenses, proactively strengthen your security postures, and protect against future threats.

Internal Network

Conducted within your organization’s network, these simulations mimic an intrusion by an insider with authorized access, such as a disloyal staff member or an external contractor. These engagements help test and assess your network’s security measures against potential internal threats, allowing for proactive identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities.


Performed from the perspective of an attacker who is within wireless range, we assess your wireless network’s security posture. This includes assessing encryption protocols, network segmentation, access controls, and monitoring mechanisms. We will also identify other vulnerabilities including weak encryption, default passwords, and lack of proper access controls.

Trusted Access

Performed from the perspective of an authorized entity with some level of access to your environment, we mimic common scenarios such as testing with the same level of access as partners or vendors that are connected to your organization’s network through remote access technologies. These technologies include but are not limited to VPN, SSLVPN, and Citrix.


Penetration testing is typically done on an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly basis to provide a snapshot of an organization’s security. Our continuous testing goes beyond that, starting with an annual test and then ongoing testing throughout the year to ensure constant vigilance against potential threats.

An All-Inclusive Approach for Threat Detection & Response

Schedule a free consultation to meet with a network penetration testing expert and receive a comprehensive security assessment that identifies the services that will keep your organization’s infrastructure secure.